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A Closer Look at ImageQube PACS
August 2005 | MD Buyline

A Closer Look at ImageQube PACS By Matt Peterson, MD Buyline Associate Analyst As the demands and benefits of PACS has evolved rapidly over the past decade, so have the suppliers striving to succeed in this key niche in the medical industry. The surge in smaller, highly versatile PACS companies has all but brought an end to the days when the larger powerhouse organizations dominated the medical market
unchallenged. This month, we take a closer look at one specialized company in the market with over 250 implementations: ImageQube.

As with all PACS providers, ImageQube seeks to address the diverse and often demanding needs of a modern image management system. Worthy of mention are several key areas that represent an edge many smaller companies or those who have recently entered the market are trying to develop over their larger cousins:

  • High image quality at the fastest possible speed. A design based upon tight integration between the company's own PACS, RIS, and the Web solutions can yield an edge on speed over a brokered or disparate system. The use of full resolution, wavelet compression for real-time image viewing addresses both the need for maximum image quality as well as efficient network traffic. Further, a RAID-5 based NAS promises a two to three second archive retrieval for historical comparison.
  • Storage Management and Security . ImageQube's relational database structure and redundant, fault-tolerant spinning disk arrangements improve the ability to retrieve and manage data with reliability. As HIPAA and other data security standards continue to evolve, the ability to track and report an audit trail efficiently is crucial, and attention to a supplier's reporting capabilities is a must.
  • Web-based design and low cost. A significant advantage with the smaller and younger companies often lies in Web-centric workflow. Rather than relying on bulky client installations and exclusive workstations (often born from years of development before the advancement of Web technologies), some of these smaller companies have been quicker to adapt and capitalize upon the latest online advantages. Web-based image management, particularly on PCs as opposed to dedicated workstations, has proliferated with great success in the industry, especially in teleradiology. Also, a number of companies including ImageQube have shifted to Linux-based platforms to further reduce costs.

Of course, it can always be a challenging process to sort through the abundance of suppliers for PACS and find the right match for your facility. While smaller companies may be exclusively specialized in PACS and can often seem more agile in responding to industry developments, the long-term experience and historical stability of larger suppliers have benefits as well. In the end, it is wise to consider multiple potential PACS providers - large and small - in determining the best course for your facility. As you progress, ImageQube might be worth a look.

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" Large and small - in determining the best course for your facility. As you progress, ImageQube might be worth a look."